Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Marlboro Snus

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From the beginning released in 2007 Marlboro Snus went nationwide in Step of 2010. In 2007 Flavor Strip lines the interior of each sack and is comparable to Listerine Zephyr Strips which soften away as they are used.Marlboro Snus cames in four varieties - Wealthy, Peaceful, Peppermint and Spearmint ((small) fortune and Seasoning discontinued) and is marketed as a "expectorate at liberty" result. Marlboro Snus cast-off to characteristic Slidepak™ packaging (like to Taboka packaging) with 12 snus pouches in each Slidepak™, but recently switched to aluminum packaging with 6 snus pouches.planned near 2011 that Marlboro Snus longing be packaged in discoid cans like to customary smokeless tobacco products; the pouches longing be larger, own a higher moisture satisfaction, and have in it more nicotine. And on January 14, 2011 Marlboro Snus tins were released.

Marlboro Snus is a smokeless tobacco pocket result designed specially prep full-grown smokers in the U.S. Snus pouches are not cigarettes or spitting tobacco approve of duck or masticate. Our snus pouches utilize a flavor peel and spit-free, dried tobacco. Marlboro Snus comes in four varieties – Prosperous, Peaceful, Spearmint, and Peppermint. We are introducing this result into trial market-place in the Dallas/Fort Merit room to grasp grown (up) smoker acceptance.

Smoke-free, that makes it a Hassle-Free novel method to like tobacco. Tuck a pocket adnearly anywhere, anytime. Each snus bag contains pasturized tobacco fiber, tap water, flavors, and other ingredients.

Marlboro Snus is piece of our [Philip Morris] continuing efforts to build going forward against our evolvement tactic(s) prep sacrifice a unique consequence in the smokeless tobacco class. Our evolution design aims to join to the intermingle of products we tender starting with those tobacco or tobacco-related products that are adjacent and like to our existing function, cigarettes. We accept that Marlboro’s kind impartiality may lend a hand to hearten experiment of this result prep grown (up) smokers. Our investigation shows that some mature smokers are interested iengaged in smokeless tobacco alternatives to cigarettes. Today’s alternatives – masticate or duck – comfort some mature smokers. Regardless, multitudinous grown (up) smokers mind spitting, the advent of the result, its feel and dash, and its packaging.

Survive year, Philip Morris USA introduced Taboka , a smoke-free, spit-free tobacco pocket result, into exam market-place in the Indianapolis space. We possess (well-)informed a batch from the Taboka exam Stock Exchange and are applying those learnings to the Marlboro Snus examination exchange. Taboka remains in trial exchange.

Unalike chewing or dipping tobacco, Snus is pasteurized very than fire-cured, and as a consequence contains significantly See lour amounts of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (2.7 parts per million representing Ettan make vs 127 parts per million prep American dipping tobacco). This causes Snus to be much safer than other nicotine deliverance systems, and the Queenly College of Physicians estimates that common Snus use is 1,000 times less pernicious than smoking cigarettes. Up to 20% of Swedish men eat (up) Snus on a ordinary bottom, and Sweden has some of the lowest rates of lung cancer in the planet.

The consequence is packaged in a shapeable parcel which is smaller than a chamber phone. The output is plainly marketed toward a non-traditional smokeless tobacco buyer market-place. The consequence comes in four flavors: Wealthy, Condiment, Spearmint and Peppermint. These keep differing nicotine levels (note adlower down) and there appears to be a manipulation of nicotine even and flavor characteristics to tour consumer retort preferences in exam Stock Exchange. The onsert joined to each Marlboro Snus parcel features catchy output advertising and also includes Surgeon General’s warnings, as well-spring as consequence habit instructions, “Tuck lone in your cheek, don’t masticate. Delight place in a apropos holder. ”

Marlboro Snus contains pasteurized tobacco, distilled water, sack materials, a dissolvable flavor coating (much appreciate those second-hand in Listerine dissolvable tabs), potassium carbonate, and sodium chloride. It is See lour in sodium than wettish snuff varieties. Unpublished investigation commissioned near Harvard Kindergarten of Communal Trim has institute that unfettered nicotine levels were: Affluent 0.6 mg/g; Peaceful: 0.5 mg/g; Condiment: 1.2 mg/g and (small) fortune: 0.8 mg/g. These plane are noticeably above. than Camel Snus and damp snuff products. To be sure, it is probable that the somewhat bellow amounts of nicotine are not adequate to continue a ordinary cigarette smoker without experiencing withdrawal symptoms. This suggests that Marlboro Snus is designed to be second-hand dually with cigarettes, and so may not confirm to above. uncovering amid its users as energy be expected with only employ of snus. The nicotine pleasure may diversify near output flavor classification, as a precise purpose of the maker to form a consumer tolerable nicotine effect-flavor estimate. More facts is needed. Marlboro Snus is admore See lour in TSNAs than dampish snuff products. Investigation of the First flavor commissioned prep HSPH institute 0.96 – 1.31 ug/g totality TSNA, compared with a sweep of 4 – 10 ug/g aggregate TSNA championing favoured US wettish snuff products. Marlboro Snus is considerably dryer than Camel Snus (11% compared with 33% prep Camel Snus).

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